Solutions Group Distributors:
Well, here in Upstate NY, we just had a spring Nor' Easter come by and drop 14" of snow on us - quite unusual for us to say the least. I've got to believe that Spring is on it's way!
And with spring, comes warm weather, and car washing with DRI WASH 'n GUARD(R)! What better time to get back into the business than the spring. I'd like to suggest that you log into the back office of DWG International's website at and click the distributor log in button. Remember to use your PIN number as your username, and your SS# or (Federal TaxID) as your password. This site is secure, so there's no need to worry.
While you're there, check to see when your distributor fee is due, and keep it paid up (especially Managers and Directors).
I'm not sure if you're aware of the price DECREASE of both the Classic and the Ultra-Ion as of January of this year. Click on the American flag at the top to download the latest price list.
There's lots of other good information there as well - and while you there, why not pickup some inventory and get ready for Spring!
As always, let me know if you have any questions!
Take care and God Bless.
John C. Skurka
DriWash Solutions
Vehicle Electronics
Automotive Tools
Officially Licensed Sports Gear
8 Brooktree Lane
Ithaca, NY 14850
Voice: (607) 227-0130
Toll Free: (888) DRI-WASH [ (888) 374-9274 ]
Efax: (206) 237-6142